Appropriate maintenance procedures will help preserve the appearance and extend the life of your Kompact Klick floor. The frequency of maintenance will depend on the amount and type of traffic, degree of soiling and the floor colour and type. Where possible, prevent dirt from reaching the floor. A suitable barrier matting system will help prevent soiling and abrasive material from entering a building and make maintenance easier.
Thoroughly sweep floor area using non-treated dust mop or dustpan and brush. Maintain barrier matting by shaking
externally or vacuuming.
Prepare solution of Xtrafloor Cleaner Maintainer diluted in accordance with instructions on the container.
Apply a solution using a well wrung mop to remove soiling.
Mop using overlapping strokes.
Rinse the mop frequently and change the solution as necessary.
Dirty water will leave an unsightly residue on the surface.
Allow entire floor area to dry thoroughly. Ensure all equipment is cleaned thoroughly after use and stored safely. Any scuff marks that are not removed during routine cleaning may be gently rubbed with a non-abrasive or nylon pad of the type used on non-stick cookware.

Spills of water, grease, food, chemicals and other foreign matter may cause the floor to become slippery.
Wipe up all spills immediately with an absorbent cloth and then wash thoroughly with Xtrafloor Spot Remover until the spill area is completely clean.
Rinse and allow to dry thoroughly.
Vacuum or brush the floor regularly to remove dust and grit.
Suitable entrance barrier matting or walk off mats when properly serviced can effectively remove many abrasive and foreign materials from foot traffic and cut down on tracked-in water. These will reduce the maintenance requirement in entry areas and extend the life of the floor. A minimum of two full strides of entrance matting is recommended.
Avoid rubber or latex backed mats as these may leave stains.
Some airborne insecticides may also harm the surface of the tile.
Protect against scratching from furniture feet by using wide free-moving castors, glides, rollers or felt pads. Use furniture cups under heavy items or appliances to prevent indentation.
Do not use small or narrow castors or those with crowned tread, as they can damage the floor.
Do not allow cigarettes, matches or other very hot items to contact the floor.
Xtrafloor supplies a range of maintenance products that are recommended for cleaning Kompact Klick. Products containing soap or unsuitable detergents such as washing up liquid may leave hard-to-remove film or residue on the surface. These can detract from the appearance and may be slippery.
Do not use products at too high a concentration as this may leave a surface residue.
Xtrafloor maintenance products are carefully manufactured to produce the highest performance when used in accordance with the instructions on the containers.
Our range of cleaning products have been specially formulated for use with Kompact Klick products and most vinyl, rubber and linoleum floors.
Xtrafloor Cleaner Maintainer
Our concentrated cleaner has a fresh aroma for routine cleaning. Suitable for use with all cleaning methods including manual, spray buffing and scrubber-drying. Availability: 1Ltr / 2.5Ltr
Xtrafloor Spot Remover
A ready to use cleaner with a fresh aroma. Formulated for removal of spills and other deposits Availability: 500ml

Wet floors can be slippery. Ensure suitable entrance matting is used to prevent the entry of water. Any water on the floor, even small drips from umbrellas etc., must be mopped up at once.
Spillages of water, grease, food, chemicals and other foreign materials may also cause the floor to become slippery. Wipe up spills immediately with an absorbent cloth and then wash thoroughly with Xtrafloor Spot Cleaner or Cleaner Maintainer, properly diluted, until completely clean. Rinse and allow to dry thoroughly.
Many furniture polishes and glass cleaners contain chemicals and silicones which, in contact with the floor, may cause slipperiness. Even small amounts of overspray can create a hazard.
When washing, exclude traffic from all treated areas until completely dry. Even damp floors can be slippery.
Be careful with the use of airborne insecticide, disinfectant and perfume sprays. Some contain oils or solvents which may settle on the floor in sufficient quantity to cause slipperiness.